Monday, March 11, 2019

First Post Ever

Wow! I am an author.  Not just a writer, but an AUTHOR.  (Dum dum dum- dramatic music)

 I have dreamed of this my whole life.  I have wanted to be writer from the minute I first held a pencil!  I never imagined that I would start with erotica.  But as I am fond of pointing out, I am a PK (preacher’s kid) and so I was bound to go there eventually.  In case you are confused, PK’s are the worst.  The only thing more dangerous than making friends with a PK is hooking up with an MK (missionary’s kid) because their parents are out of the country.  Although I am in my fifties, I still feel justified in using my upbringing as an excuse for my poor choices and excesses.

So here’s the dilemma.

I have NO IDEA how to sell a book, but please don’t tell my publisher. Hahaha