Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Jour un- Adventures en touriste au Quebec (Day one -Adventures as a tourist in Quebec)

I am fearless. I am intrepid. I am courageuse.  The day is beautiful. The sky is blue. I am a master of the universe. Nothing could go wrong.

My grandmother used to tell me that to brag is to tempt the universe. With that in mind, I have a few confessions. First, I have now ridden not one, but two buses the wrong direction. I don’t mean I rode them a few blocks the wrong way; I rode one an entire hour the wrong way.  Now, before you jump to the conclusion that I am not too bright, you must know that I recognized quickly that I was going the wrong way. I just spent an hour debating whether to get off and try again or just stay on the nice warm bus until we circled around. Second, I have not bathed…uhmmm…in a while. Between leaving Louisville at the crack of last night, a layover in Philly, and then a shower that pumped its water directly from the Antarctic, I haven’t had an opportunity.  Don’t worry, I have deodorant. My final confession for today concerns stairs. What is about Quebecoise and stairs? Have Canadians never heard of elevators? Explain how you can possibly go somewhere and climb up stairs -both directions? Trust me, you can in Vieux Quebec!  So my confession is…after walking down all four hundred steps to admire Montmorency Falls, I am taking the cable car back up!

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